Contract and Circuit Board Manufacturing Blog | Zentech

Creating Electronic Manufacturing Solutions

Written by Matthew Turpin | Fri, Nov 08, 2013 @ 12:00 PM

Like all other businesses, yours has probably been faced with challenges and obstacles from time to time. Although there are many instances in which these problems can be overcome in-house through a little resourceful thinking, it is important to have the ability to recognize when a solution cannot be found on your own. It is the companies who possess the foresight to anticipate issues and form alliances with a qualified contract manufacturer who generally find the most success.

Paired with the expertise of a contractor, you and your team will find that it is much easier to create effective electronic manufacturing solutions for your every need. Here are a few challenges that your company may be faced with, and how working with a contract manufacturer can help you to resolve them quickly.

Creating Electronic Manufacturing Solutions for 4 Common Problems

Even though every business will experience its own unique set of problems, there are some that are fairly common across the board. While a good contract manufacturer will be able to help you find electronic manufacturing solutions for these issues, a great one will also be happy to provide you with customized solutions that are tailor fitted to your exact needs. To get you started on your journey toward finding the best contractor for your company, look for an industry leader who can create the following solutions to four common problems:

Solution #1: Improve design efficiency

There's an old adage that encourages us to never stop striving toward improvements until "the good is better, and the better, best". Regardless of how good you think your PCBs design schematics are right now, there is always room for growth. Too often, in-house design and engineering teams begin to settle for the status quo, believing that there is no way to make their devices even greater. By requesting the help of a contract manufacturer, you can get an outside perspective on your design plans from experts who have been working in the industry for years. These professionals can help to quickly spot problem areas, and suggest solutions that would help you to create a faster, more efficient product that costs less to produce, and is more compact.

Solution #2: Comply with industry standards

For smaller businesses, or start-ups, it can be difficult to attempt to keep up with the demands of design and production, as well as staying current on all of the latest industry standards. It can also be tempting to cut corners to save time, or to order counterfeit parts from an overseas supplier as a means of cutting down your costs. Contract manufacturing companies can help you to produce your devices quickly, affordably, and in a way that is completely on par with industry regulations and standards.

Solution #3: Free up capital and space

Although machinery is obviously a necessary part of manufacturing PCBs and other electronic devices, this type of equipment is also very expensive to purchase and maintain. On top of this, the machinery takes up a lot of space in your facility. Your electronic manufacturing solutions provider should be able to shoulder this burden for you. By producing your devices with their equipment in their facility, you can save space in your building, and free up some extra capital.

Solution #4: Boost customer satisfaction

To keep customers coming back, you must be able to continuously impress them. A partnership with a manufacturing contractor can help you to create more advanced boards, produce devices faster, all while cutting down buyer costs. Electronic manufacturing solutions should also extend to exemplary fulfillment services. By taking the time to troubleshoot and repair faulty or malfunctioning boards, your manufacturing partner can help you to properly care for your customers through every step of the process. 

What challenges has your business had to deal with? Could a third party contractor have helped you to create faster, better electronic manufacturing solutions for those problems?