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Improved Inventory Management Overcomes New Manufacturing Challenges

Posted by Matthew Turpin on Thu, Apr 30, 2015 @ 07:00 AM

Have you taken a look at your supply lines and inventory management lately?

Good inventory management is probably more crucial in today's manufacturing world than ever before, and for plenty of reasons.  There are a lot of challenges facing modern manufacturing, and a lot of them have to do with good inventory management and optimization.

With the right inventory procedures and the right manufacturing partners, you can reduce the costs on your electronics while helping guarantee they're of top quality.

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Topics: pcb assembly, PCB assembling service

What You Need In A PCB Assembly Service

Posted by Matthew Turpin on Tue, Apr 28, 2015 @ 07:00 AM

If you're looking to enter the electronics market, it's actually a great time!  There are more options in manufacturing both at home and abroad than ever before, and there are a lot of great companies out there waiting to build your product.

The problem, of course, is telling the good ones from all the rest.  In a boom industry, there are a lot of recent upstarts that lack the experience or the equipment needed to properly fill orders.  When you pick a PCB assembly service as a partner, you need to know they'll be someone you can rely on.

So, we've got a few tips to help weed out the top businesses from everyone else.

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Topics: pcb assembly service, American PC Board Assembly, PCB assembling service

Contracted PCB Repair Services Save Money While Building Customer Rapport

Posted by Matthew Turpin on Tue, Mar 31, 2015 @ 06:00 AM

Nearly any company that's looking at entering an electronics market thinks long and hard about which contracted manufacturer to use in their design and construction.  Oddly, however, many companies often neglect to think ahead of time about post-sale support and, specifically, who's going to be handling their tech issues.

More and more, this requires sub-contracting another company, separate from the manufacturer, to train and staff a call center.  While this is a popular option -especially with the rise in virtualized support services- it can ultimately create a very poor customer experience while simultaneously driving up your support costs.

Now, however, there is an alternative.  American electronics firms looking to compete with cut-rate overseas factories have been expanding their range of services beyond mere PCB and electronics assembly.  One of the most valuable of these new services are direct PCB repair services. 

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Topics: PCB assembling service, repair electronics services